First Meeting Of The Year

20/02/2020 – The first meeting of a new year was held this week, starting with a wonderful demonstration from local artist John Edge. John’s extremely detailed and beautifully vibrant still life oil paintings glowed as he explained how he creates his stunning works. Another generous artist sharing his techniques! As well as talking about upcoming events, this meeting included the presenting of awards to all the winners at our recent Charlestown Square exhibition. We were very lucky to have Meredith Downes from Lake Macquarie Council come for the presentation and pass on judge Jacqui Hemsley’s comments for each prize. It’s always interesting to hear the judge’s comments and we really appreciate both ladies for giving their time. Also, the exhibition raffle was drawn, with  Jenny Elks’ beautiful watercolour ‘What’s He Caught?’ going to Donna Anderson, ticket #14866. Jenny Elks also won the People’s Choice competiton for another watercolour, ‘Glow From The Bush (pictured) with the winning entry going to Chris Sharpe. Congratulations to everyone.