Belmont Exhibition Opens Monday

25/10/2018 – It’s time again for our annual Des Vout Memorial Award at Belmont Citi Centre. This exhibition is always popular with local residents and, being our last for the year, it also draws people from further afield. Belmont Citi Centre has supported us throughout the year with our ongoing shopfront – offering just a taste of what is to come with this years exhibition, and with 140 paintings entered it should be quite a display! Carol McCrohan has donated this wonderful Lake Macquarie watercolour (pictured) to be raffled and with tickets still only $1 it will be an absolute bargain for some lucky person. Renowned Wangi artist Helene Ruma will be this year’s judge and we will once again be holding our ever popular People’s Choice competition. The exhibition will run for 2 weeks with all exhibiting artists sharing duty roster, so be sure to drop by before Sunday 11th November.