Honorary Lifetime Member Award

It was with great pleasure that the NALMAS committee awarded Kate Belton a Honorary Lifetime Award at our AGM Monday 17th Oct 2022.

Kate is a long-standing member of the society and has spent much time offering her services to the society, which have been greatly appreciated.

Pictured here is Kate receiving her award from President Kerry Woodcock and Vice President Karen Pearson.

Also pictured are members of the committee receiving appreciation awards from Kerry Woodcock for their services this year.

Kate Belton awarded a Lifetime Membership Award

Kate congratulated by the President and Vice President

Karen Pearson receives her appreciation award from the President

Barbara Stein receives her appreciation award from the President

Wendy Lesniak receives her appreciation award from the President

Pamela Rose receives her appreciation award from the President

Michelle Strang receives her appreciation award from the President